This website, despite being created as an identity card of the festival, it is at the same time a digital archive with the goal to preserve the vast festival archives created and gathered in the past half a century of existence.

Only a small part of the archive and the poetic library is available at the moment, mostly because of the vastness of the materials and their unavailability in digital form. The website in the following period will be constantly upgraded and expanded, with the poets that took part in the festival during the past 52 years, alongside all of their bio-bibliographical data, their poetic works, and their analyses during the symposiums and other occasions, as well as the complete audio-visual archive which is very interesting for the researchers and for the general public around the world too, offering a unique opportunity to get acquainted with everything regarding the festival in detail.

In time, the complete archive will be gradually digitalized which will breath in a new life to the legacy of the Struga Poetry Evenings. For now, the archive consists of the poets who took part in the festival from 2009 to 2012, as well as the winners of the awards “Golden Wreath” and “Miladinov Brothers” and most of this year’s participants of the festival.