Branko Čegec, poet, essayist and critic, born on June 22, 1957, in Kraljev Vrh. He earned a degree in Yugoslav Studies and Comparative Literature from the Faculty of Philosophy, University of Zagreb. He was a literature section editor at magazines Polet and Pitanja. From 1985 to 1989 he was the editor in chief of Quorum magazine, from 1989 to 1990 he was the editor in chief of the culture magazine Oko, and from 1990 to 1993 he was an editor for the publishing house Mladost. Čegec founded his own publishing house Meandar in 1992. In 1998 he initiated the foundation of Croatian Independent Publishers Society, economic interest association of small and medium-size presses. In 1999 he was elected president of the Board of Goranovo proljeće, the most important poetry event in Croatia. In 2002 he founded Centar za knjigu (Croatian Book Center) and in 2003 he started the book magazine Tema.

Published works:

Eros-Europa-Arafat / Eros-Europe-Arafat, poetry (1980), Zapadno-istočni spol / West-Eastern Sex, poetry (1983), Presvlačenje avangarde / Re-dressing the Avant-garde, essays and critiques (1983), Melankolični ljetopis / A Melancholic Chronicle, poetry (1988), Ekrani praznine / Screens of Emptiness, poetry (1992, 2003), Fantom slobode / The Phantom of Freedom, essays, critiques and articles (1994), Strast razlike, tamni zvuk praznine; Hrvatsko pjesništvo osamdesetih i devedesetih / Passion of Difference, Dark Sound of Emptiness, Croatian poetry of the 1980s and 1990s, co-authored with Miroslav Mićanović, (1995), Nitko ne govori hrvatski, Personne ne parle croate / No one speaks Croatian, bilingual Croatian-French edition, together with Miroslav Mićanović and Ivica Prtenjača, selected and translated by V. Mikšić and B. Radić (2002), Tamno mjesto / A Dark Place, poetry (2005), Tri krokodila / Three crocodiles, with Miroslav Mićanović and Senko Karuza (2005). Nurkanje na zdiv – Ronjenje na dah – Breat-Hold Diving, izbor iz poezije, Skopje 2010; Zapisi iz pustog jezika, poetska proza/pjesme u prozi, Zagreb 2011; Pokret otpora, članci, Zagreb 2011; Shopping terapia, izbor iz poezije, Vlna, Bratislava 2012. Pun mjesec u Istanbulu, Meandarmedia, Zagreb 2012; Lune pleine à Istanbul, L’Ollave, Rustrel / Apt 2012; Unatrag, izbor iz poezije, Meandarmedia, Zagreb 2014.