He was born in Genoa, on 9 December 1930 anddied on 18 May 2010. He was a writer, public worker and university teacher. He had a polemical attitide towards the hermetism in poetry. Works: poetry: Laborintus (1956), Opus Metricum (1960), Cathameron (1974), Postcards (1978), Notebook (1981), The Newest Testament (1985), Final Conclusions (1997), Things (1999) and others. Hismost significant critical-essay books are: Three studies for Dante (1961), Alberto Moravia (1962), Ideology of language (1965), Critic’s Mission (1987) and others. He complied the anthology The Italian Poetry of the 20th Century and translated a great nmber of the Greek and Roman classic authors (Eshil, Sofokle, Euripid, Aristophan, Seneca, Petronij).