Born in Lisbon, Portugal, in 1966, he is graduated in Law at the University of Coimbra, worked as a legal advisor and also pursutes studies of Philosophy at University in Lisbon.
Poet and essayist, he published “A Função do Geógrafo” (The Role of the Geographer) and “A Ordem do Mundo” (The Worlds Order), which immediately earned the public recognition and outlined a very unique path in Portuguese poetry in recent years. As a writer, he has been invited to integrate several literary and poetic anthologies both in Portugal as well as abroad, namely in France, Italy and Brazil. Rui Cóias is also a featured poet for the web communities : Poetry International Web (Holland) and Poems from the Portuguese (Portugal). His poems have been translated into French, English, Neerlandés and Slovakian. An anthology of his poems translated into French will be published this year by occasion of the Belgium Transpoesie 2014 Festival. His recently textes are sparsely published in magazines and literary publications. He keeps a blog about travelling and literature, and presently lives in Lisbon.
