Poet, essayist, translator, poetics scholar, editor, Dr. Zhao Si (1972-), original name, Zhao Zhifang is the author of 3 books: White Crow (poems, 2005), Gold-in-sand Picker(essays, 2005), Disappearing, Recalling: 2009-2013 Selected Роетѕ (2014, forthcoming). Some of her poerns has translated
into English, French, Spanish, German, Russian, Arabic, Polish, Slovenian, Bulgarian, Armenian and published on literature magazines in diff erent countries. Аѕ а translator, she has translated а comprehensive poetry anthology Light-blue-pillow Tower: Selected Роетѕ of Tomai Salamun (2014). Аѕ а poetry theory scholar, she has published more than 30 theses and reviews, including some published on the best Foreign Uterature Study Journals in China. She is currentlythe translation poetry editor in Poetry Periodical, which is the primary poetry journal of the Chinese Writers’ Association and the editorial director of the prestigious poetry translation series Contemporary International Poetry. She is also on the editorial board of French multilinguistic web arts magazine LEVURE LITTERAIRE